NULL Skriv ut sidan - Nils Johan Jonsson


Titel: Nils Johan Jonsson
Skrivet av: Bo Nordenfors (Nob) skrivet 2007-03-17, 16:11
I spent half an hour with Census 1900 and Wisconsin, but no good hits. Many Nels Johnson, many Vestlund/Westlund.  
Anita, please inform us about the source (as clerical survey, parish, page -- ) I found him yesterday, after that I found him in Census 1890,but made not a note about what page, no doubt he was in Wadje then, but you said he emigrated from Kollerud, is that Kollerud in Hede parish? Did you ever find him in Emigranten CD and/or EMIBAS? Yes I know the date in EMIBAS is the same as what was written in clerical survey and book of moving out (if any).  
But, the place in Wisconsin - why not Bayfield?