NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need help with Annerstad household record


Titel: SV: Need help with Annerstad household record
Skrivet av: Victoria Cihla skrivet 2020-10-29, 22:33
Thank you so much for this!

I still have 4 more of Jon's childrens' birth records to find and then I want to go through all the death records after that.  I couldn't find the birth records for the 3 Kirstins but was able to find all the death records for them.  I also had to get the children with the correct mothers. :)  Påfwelsdotter! I don't think I would have figured that one out!

The 1784-1805 Byagård, Annerstad household record lists only a widow Margareta (Jon's widow?) so it looks like Jon must have died before 1784 - I'll check that out.

Looks like I've got more to do with Lars too!

This is great!! I can't thank you enough! I hope, that once I've gone through all of this information, that the estate inventory will really prove all these relationships that have been established.

I can't thank you enough!