NULL Skriv ut sidan - Carl August Petersson


Titel: Carl August Petersson
Skrivet av: Judy Olson Baouab skrivet 2003-11-07, 06:23
Hi Shirley,
If you are correct about the destination, this is a good possibility BUT his name isn't rare. You will want to make sure the birth date is correct, etc., once you check his parish records.
First name: CARL AUGUST
Age: 24     Gender: M
Parish: ÄLMEBODA     County: G (Kronoberg)
Title/Note: ARB (arbetare = worker)
Date: 1893 04 18 (date of registering with the police to leave Sweden)
Destination: MINNEAPOLIS
Fellows: NEJ (Nej = no. He didn't share a ticket.)
Source: 1893:1050:5859
Maybe this is that person in the 1890 Swedish Census for Kronoberg county, on the fee-based Arkion site.
Homeparish: Elmeboda (Älmeboda)
Residence: Bönemåla
County: Kronobergs
SVARvolume: 000163  Card nr: 7
Page: 71  Row: 11
F means born.
Persons in the household
Fam nr: 1
Peter Olof Andersson f. 1843 in Elmeboda, Hemmansegare (farm owner)
wife Karolina Olofsdotter f. 1833 in Linneryd
d. Hilda Gustava f. 1866 in Elmeboda
s. Carl August f. 1868 in Elmeboda
s. Johan Alfred f. 1872 in Elmeboda
s. Claes Edvin f. 1875 in Elmeboda
I checked Genline and there is a Carl August born about that time in Elmeboda, but I can't be sure that the date is the 13th. Perhaps a Swede will take a look at the record for you. It is at GID# 100007.50.65900.(birth #98; sandwiched in-between two births on the 12th, but the date doesn't look like 12 or 13.)
The parents are the same as above, but the mother is spelled Carolina and the father is Peter O. The residence is the same as in the 1890 census.
Good luck!