NULL Skriv ut sidan - Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000


Titel: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000
Skrivet av: Donna Corlett skrivet 2000-09-05, 03:58
Pernilla!  That was kind of her to let you know.  I agree it is rather unusual to find two Algot's within such a small region...but obviously they both were there!  
So the nurse's message was correct...and that Algot passed much more recently than your Algot.  
Therefore those articles (obituaries etc.) from the historical society inquiry reply were accurate in that your Algot passed away in 1987.
I guess with that kind of gap (about ten years) I should have thought that there was another!
Well, are we in line for another phone call, Pernilla?!  I'm up for it...!  Perhaps the Taylors?  
Have you already written to Mr. Kellner...I mean in light of the phone call I had with him learning that he was indeed the one who knew Ossian?  (I knew you wrote something prior to that call, correct?)
I must say that I pulled out all the information I had collected so far (I keep copies until the search is done!-so there is a Pernilla file!), and it really was quite touching to look at it all now, having seen who he actually was.  That really was something else and I thank you again for sharing that with me.  
There must be a way to figure out about Rosie...
in that picture of them, Ossian looks as though he may be in his thirties (or so) wouldn't you agree?  I have been thinking alot about how we might proceed...and am still thinking!!
Well, I hope to speak with you again soon and perhaps I will find something more!!
Kind regards,